In the International Boobs Race, the missile packing babes of the U.S.A. and the U.K. continually lag behind the Czech Republic, especially in hardcore scenes. Krystal Swift, a Czech titter girl with country girl looks and a corn-fed body is made-up and dressed more like a city glamour girl than a farmer's daughter. In this scene, she's very helpful in letting the tech check her twin turbos with probing hands and hard sucking. Pulling both tits out of her dress, Krystal kneels to jack and suck and kiss his bolt and nuts. No special measuring meters are needed to detect that Krystal's sucking action is much faster than many of her American rivals, visually judging by the speed of her head moving back and forth with his pocket rocket hardening in her mouth. Krystal excels at licking the head of his meat ruler as it measures the depth of her cleavage chasm. When it's time for Krystal and her fuck friend to begin docking procedures, the takeoff is explosive and the landing is a messy one.

please do a footjob